Find Edition
(Valid date range: 2007-05-26 ~ Current)Download MP3 Audio:
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The purpose of this website is to help subscribers retrieve audio archives of The Economist Weekly Editions from the CDN server.
Find Edition
This function takes a selected date as input and returns a weekly edition that covers the selected date. For example, with input as "2021 Jan 1st", the application will return the "Weekly Edition 2020-12-19", which covers the date from 2020-12-19 to 2021-01-01.
For each weekly edition, the application will try to get cover images (for UK or US version) and the full edition archive audio file download link. If the returned weekly edition comes with an online media in *.m4a format, the audio player will be automatically loaded.
Download List
This function takes a select year value as input and generates the whole year's audio archive download list.
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